Diala Naboulsi

PhD student

I am a PhD student at the CITI lab of INSA Lyon, within the UrbaNet INRIA team. I am advised by Dr. Razvan Stanica, in collaboration with Dr. Marco Fiore.

My current research efforts focus on the characterization of customers consumptions in cellular networks for the design of efficient networking applications.

About Me

I was born in Tripoli, Lebanon in 1989.

Between 2007 and 2011, I was an engineering student at the Lebanese University in Tripoli.

From October 2011 until June 2012, I followed a double degree program and obtained a Master degree in Computer Science from INSA Lyon, as well as a Telecommunication Engineering diploma from the Lebanese University.

Since September 2012, I have been a PhD student in the UrbaNet INRIA team at the CITI lab of INSA Lyon.

Within the context of my PhD, I visited the Politecnico di Torino for 5 months in 2013.


Conference Articles

  • M. Gramaglia, O. Trullols-Cruces, D. Naboulsi, M. Fiore, M. Calderon, Vehicular Networks on Two Madrid Highways, IEEE SECON 2014, Singapore, Singapore, June 2014

  • D. Naboulsi, R. Stanica, M. Fiore, Classifying Call Profiles in Large-scale Mobile Traffic Datasets, IEEE INFOCOM 2014, Toronto, Canada, April 2014

  • D. Naboulsi, M. Fiore, On the Instantaneous Topology of a Large-scale Urban Vehicular Network: the Cologne case, ACM MobiHoc 2013, Bangalore, India, July 2013


  • D. Naboulsi, M. Fiore, C.F. Chiasserini, Assessment of Practical Energy Savings in Cellular Networks, IEEE INFOCOM 2014 Student Workshop, Toronto, Canada, April 2014

  • D. Naboulsi, M. Fiore, R. Stanica, On the Characterization of Mobile Calling Behaviors, ACM MobiHoc 2013, Bangalore, India, August 2013

  • D. Naboulsi, M. Fiore, R. Stanica, Human Mobility Flows in the City of Abidjan, NetMob 2013, Boston, MA, USA, May 2013

  • D. Naboulsi, M. Fiore, The Connectivity of Cologne’s Large-scale Vehicular Network, IEEE INFOCOM 2013, Torino, Italy, April 2013


Since September 2014, I have been a teaching assistant in the Telecommunications Department of INSA Lyon. Prior to that, I held a one year teaching assistant position in the Computer Science Department of Université Lyon 1.

Current participations

INSA Lyon - Telecommunications Department

  • Computer Networking Basics

  • Network and System Programming

  • Mobile Networks Architecture

Previous participations

Université Lyon 1 - Computer Science

  • Operating Systems

  • Hardware and Software Architecture



Campus LyonTech La Doua
6, Avenue des Arts
69621 Villeurbanne cedex


