Guillaume Salagnac - Publications

G. Berthou, K. Marquet, T. Risset, G. Salagnac. MPU-based Incremental Checkpointing for Transiently-Powered Systems ; in proceedings of DSD 2020.
G. Berthou, K. Marquet, T. Risset, G. Salagnac. Accurate Power Consumption Evaluation for Peripherals in Ultra Low-Power embedded systems ; in proceedings of GIoTS 2020.
G. Berthou, T. Delizy, K. Marquet, T. Risset, G. Salagnac. Sytare: a Lightweight Kernel for NVRAM-Based Transiently-Powered Systems ; in  IEEE TC.
T. Delizy, S. Gros, K. Marquet, M. Moy, T. Risset, G. Salagnac. Estimating the Impact of Architectural and Software Design Choices on Dynamic Allocation of Heterogeneous Memories ; in proceedings of RSP 2018.
G. Berthou, T. Delizy, K. Marquet, T. Risset, G. Salagnac. Peripheral State Persistence and Interrupt Management For Transiently Powered Systems ; in proceedings of NVMW 2018.
G. Berthou, T. Delizy, K. Marquet, T. Risset, G. Salagnac. Peripheral State Persistence For Transiently Powered Systems ; in proceedings of IOENT 2017 (a workshop of the Global IoT Summit). A longer version of this paper is available as INRIA Technical Report RR-9018, 2017. Article en français présenté à ComPAS 2017.
F. Hutu, G. Salagnac, K. Marquet, T. Risset. A platform for energy consumption measurements of the communicating objects ; in proceedings of URSI 2016.
F. Ait Aoudia, K. Marquet, G. Salagnac. Incremental checkpointing of program state to NVRAM for transiently-powered systems ; in proceedings of ReCoSOC 2014.
F. Goichon, G. Salagnac, S. Frénot. Swap Fairness for Thrashing Mitigation ; in proceedings of ECSA 2013. A longer version of this paper is available as Inria Research Report RR-8388, 2013.
R. Jurdak, P. Corke, A. Cotillon, D. Dharman, C. Crossman, G. Salagnac. Energy-efficient Localisation: GPS Duty Cycling with Radio Ranging ; in ACM TOSN Volume 9 Issue 2, March 2013.
F. Goichon, G. Salagnac, P. Parrend, S. Frénot. Static vulnerability detection in Java service-oriented components ; in Journal of Computer Virology and Hacking Techniques. Volume 9, Issue 1, Feb. 2013.
T. Vuillemin, F. Goichon, C. Lauradoux, G. Salagnac. Entropy transfers in the Linux Random Number Generator ; INRIA Research Report RR-8060, 2012.
F. Goichon, G. Salagnac, S. Frénot. Exploiting Java Code Interactions ; INRIA Technical Report RT-0419, 2011.
F. Goichon, G. Salagnac, S. Frénot. Hardware Resource Control in L4 micro-kernels ; poster presented at CFSE 2011.
R. Jurdak, P. Corke, D. Dharman, G. Salagnac. Adaptive GPS Duty Cycling and Radio Ranging for Energy-efficient Localization ; in proceedings of SenSys 2010.
S. Frénot, F. Le Mouel, J. Ponge, G. Salagnac. Various Extensions for the Ambient OSGi framework ; in proceedings of Adamus 2010 (a workshop of ICPS 2010). An extended version of this paper was published in the International Journal of Adaptive, Resilient and Autonomic Systems in 2011.
R. Jurdak, P. Corke, D. Dharman, G. Salagnac, C. Crossman, P. Valencia, G. Bishop-Hurley. Energy-efficient Localization for Virtual Fencing ; in proceedings of IPSN 2010, poster session.
G. Salagnac. Synthèse de gestionnaires mémoire pour applications Java temps-réel embarquées ; thèse de doctorat de l'Université Joseph Fourier. Avril 2008.
G. Salagnac, C. Rippert, S. Yovine. Semi-Automatic Region-Based Memory Management for Real-Time Java Embedded Systems ; in proceedings of RTCSA 2007.
G. Salagnac, C. Nakhli, C. Rippert, S. Yovine. Efficient Region-Based Memory Management for Resource-limited Real-Time Embedded Systems ; in proceedings of ICOOOLPS 2006 (a workshop of ECOOP 2006).
G. Salagnac. Automatic Region-based Memory Management for Real-time Embedded Systems ; in proceedings of LCTES 2006, poster session.
G. Salagnac, S. Yovine, D. Garbervetsky. Fast Escape Analysis for Region-based Memory Management ; in proceedings of AIOOL 2005 (a workshop of VMCAI 2005).
G. Salagnac. Gestion automatique de la mémoire dynamique pour des programmes Java temps-réel embarqués ; rapport de D.E.A. de l'Université Joseph Fourier. Juin 2004.