I'm a postdoctoral researcher at INRIA Grenoble Rhone-Alpes and also a member of CITI Lab, working with Dr. Razvan Stanica and Dr. Marco Fiore on mobile data analytics.
I received my PhD in computer science from INP Toulouse in 2013 and my Master of Research as well as an engineering degree, both in networks and telecommucations, from INSA Toulouse, in 2009.


My research is in the area of mobile and wireless networking, with current interest in mobile data analytics. My past work has contributed to delay-tolerant, mobile-opportunistic networks, mobile cloud computing, mobile sensing and network localization .
Please find below my publications. Here is my [Google Scholar] profile.




I developped the following pieces of code for my researche works. Please find the details in the related papers.

Other academic activities

Reviewer for Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies Journal, Elsevier Computer Communications, Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks, Elsevier Journal of Network and Computer Applications, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, IEEE Communications Letters IEEE WOWMOM, IEEE NCCA


Email: anh-dung.nguyen at inria dot fr
Address: Inria Antenne Lyon la Doua
Bâtiment CEI-2
56, Boulevard Niels Bohr
CS 52132
69603 Villeurbanne