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Adding Network Coding Capabilities to the WSNet Simulator
W. L. Choo, F. Le Mouël, K. Jaffrès-Runser, and M. Fiore. Adding Network Coding Capabilities to the WSNet Simulator. Technical Report RT-0405, INRIA, 2011.
BibTeX Entry
@TechReport{CHOO:2011:INRIA-00573998:1, hal_id = {inria-00573998}, url = {}, title = {{A}dding {N}etwork {C}oding {C}apabilities to the {WSN}et {S}imulator}, author = {{C}hoo, {W}. {L}. and {L}e {M}ou{\"e}l, {F}. and {J}affr{\`e}s-{R}unser, {K}. and {F}iore, {M}.}, abstract = {{T}his technical report presents the implementation of a {N}etwork {C}oding module in {WSN}et - a {W}ireless {S}ensor {N}etwork simulator. {T}his implementation provides a generic programming interface to allow an easy specialization of different coding strategies: random, source/destination-oriented, intra/inter-flow, etc.}, keywords = {{N}etwork {C}oding, {W}ireless {S}ensor {N}etwork ({WSN}), {S}imulation, {WSN}et}, language = {{E}nglish}, affiliation = {{SWING} - {CITI} {I}nsa {L}yon / {INRIA} {G}renoble {R}h{\^o}ne-{A}lpes - {INRIA} - {I}nstitut {N}ational des {S}ciences {A}ppliqu{\'e}es de {L}yon - {AMAZONES} - {CITI} {I}nsa {L}yon / {INRIA} {G}renoble {R}h{\^o}ne-{A}lpes - {INRIA} - {I}nstitut {N}ational des {S}ciences {A}ppliqu{\'e}es de {L}yon }, pages = {28}, type = {Technical Report}, institution = {INRIA}, number = {RT-0405}, day = {07}, month = {03}, year = {2011}, pdf = {}, bib2html_pubtype = {Research and Technical Reports} }