- 2023-2027 -
Involved in ANR STEREO - Convergence IoT - Satellite.
- 2022-2025 -
Principal Investigator for ANR JCJC DOLL - Efficient DOwnLink Communication for Increased LoRaWAN Capacity.
- 2021-2024 -
Involved in a bilateral cooperation with Semtech on Faisability and performance of LoRa 2.4GHz with Prof. Fabrice Valois (INSA Lyon) and Prof. A. Guitton (UCA)
- 2020-2024 -
Involved in Horizon 2020 - BugWright2 project on autonomous robotic inspection and maintenance on ship hulls and storage tanks.
- 2020-2023 -
Collaboration with NRGYBox on the detection of human presence using sensors developed in-house.
- 2019-2021 -
Involved in ConsoSmart - PHC Toubkal project on Energy saving in smart building applications, with INPT Rabat (Marocco).
- 2018-2020 -
Principal Investigator for REALLORA - PHC Ulysses project on real-world characterisation of long range wireless newtorks in collaboration with Dr. Ramona Marfievici and Nimbus Center from CIT, Ireland.
- 2018-2020 -
Involved in eSmartCity - Project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund whose main goal is testing the concept of Smart City in the Mediterranean area through networking, in the fields of energy efficiency of buildings and smart public lightening.
- 2018 -
Involved in LoRa Campus - Project funded by the Research Directorate of INSA Lyon and supported by the CITI Laboratory through the PPAIR (“Plan Pluriannuel d’Investissement Recherche”) program.
- 2017
Involved in CLOTHO - Design of a protocol for neighborhood discovery and data collection in a dense network of autonomous connected objects.
- 2016-2017 -
Involved in BearFence - a system that uses low power radios to create a protective virtual fence around a given resource, which is able to detect the presence of tagged bears when they are in proximity of the fence, and to dissuade them using actuators.
- 2015 -
Collaboration with Algorab (an Italian ICT company from Trentino) for energy efficient monitoring and control of public lighting, using a large scale wireless infrastructure.
- 2011-2014 -
Involved in ANR IRIS: All IP Networks for the Future Internet of Smart Objects.
The project focused on how smart objects can be interconnected and viewed as interoperable IP based end-hosts on the Internet, thus enabling the Internet of Things.
Research Visits
- April 2023,
Visiting researcher for two weeks at National Institute of Informatics (NII), Tokyo, Japan, Dr. Megumi Kaneko
- October 2019,
Visiting researcher for one week at Nimbus Research Center, Cork, Ireland, Dr. Ramona Marfievici
- November 2012,
Visiting scholar for two weeks at Inje University, Computer Network Lab, Prof. Won-Joo Hwang, Busan, Korea
- July 2011,
Visiting scholar for a week at INRIA Sophia-Antipolis, Dr. David Coudert, France
- April 2023, talk on Low Power Wide Area Networks Experimental Results at National Institute of Informatics (NII), Tokyo, Japan
- June 2020, talk on LoRa technology at Groupe de travail sur l'évaluation de performances des réseaux, online
- November 2018 invitated panelist at: 1st Winter School on Information Theory and Signal Processing for Internet of Things, Villeurbanne, France
- July 2018, talk: Towards an efficient and reliable downward RPL
at Industrial Internet of Things Days, Strasbourg, France
- April 2018, talk on IoT experiments at Groupe de travail sur l'évaluation de performances des réseaux, Lyon, France
- April 2017, talk: Experimental Evaluation of LoRa: Exploration of Hardware and Environmental Factors
at University of Strasbourg, Prof. Thomas Noel, France
- Mars 2017, talk: Experimental Evaluation of LoRa: Exploration of Hardware and Environmental Factors
at INRIA Agora, Prof. Herve Rivano, France
- October 2014, talk: Energy Efficient Communication in Wireless Sensor Networks
at Graz University of Technology, Prof. Kay Romer, Austria
- November 2013, talk: The Stability and Efficiency of RPL under Realistic Conditions
at the 4th IRIS Meeting, Strasbourg, France
- November 2012, talk: All-IP Wireless Sensor Networks for the Internet of Things
at Georgia Institute of Technology, Broadband Wireless Networking Lab,
Prof. Ian F. Akyildiz, Atlanta, USA
- September 2012, poster presentation: Communicating Smartly in the Future Internet of Things,
at Collège Doctoral Européen, Strasbourg, France