Walid Bechkit
Walid Bechkit
Walid Bechkit
Walid Bechkit


Main projects

As coordinator:
  • Leader and coordinator of ANR DRON-MAP project (ANR-JCJC, 2021-2025, ~300 K€). Topic: Drone fleet for monitoring pollution plumes in emergencies Partners: CITI-Agora, CITI-Chroma, LMFA.
  • Leader and coordinator of 3M'Air project (Labex IMU, 2018-2022, ~200 K€). Topic: Urban participatory sensing using connected sensors. Partners: CITI-Agora, LMFA, EVS, Atmo-AURA, Ville-Lyon, Météo-France, Lyon-Météo.
  • Leader and principal investigator of an industrial collaboration with TotalEnergies, a major French company (~120 K€, 2018-present). Topic: Industrial applications of Wireless Sensor Networks.
  • Leader and principal investigator of a BQI (Bonus Qualité Innovation) project (INSA/INSA-Valor, 2019, ~15 K€). Topic: Improving our air quality WSN platform to meet industrial requirements.
  • Leader and coordinator of UrPolSens project (Labex IMU, 2015-2018, ~200 K€). Topic: WSNs for Urban Pollution Monitoring. Partners: CITI-Agora, LMFA, IFSTTAR-Paris, EVS, TUBA, Atmo-AURA.
  • Leader and coordinator of Capt-PolAir project (PEPS CNRS/Univ-Lyon, 2016, ~23 K€). Topic: Practical issues of WSN deployment for air quality monitoring. Partners: CITI-Agora, LMFA, IFSTTAR, EVS, TUBA.
As partner:
  • Member of the PEPR Future Networks - PC6 FITNESS (From IoT breakthroughs to Network Enhanced ServiceS) - Responsible of a task on data driven adaptive access solutions for dense networks (2023-2028).
  • Member of the Scientific Chair INSA-Lyon Spie ICS - L'IA au service de l’analyse comportementale des flux dans les infrastructures numériques - Co-coordinator of the research axis on Embedded AI (2022-2026).
  • Member of the Scientific Chair INSA-Lyon Atmo-AURA - L'air: un enjeu de santé & d'innovation, une mobilisation citoyenne. Contribution to several actions and to engineering internship supervision (2020-Present).
  • Member (as Ph.D. student and Post-Doc) of AgroSens project (Conseil Régional de Picardie & Fonds Européen de Développement Régional- FEDER). Topic: Wireless Sensor Networks in agriculture (2009-2013).

Main Supervisions

Ph.D. Supervisions at INSA-Lyon/ INRIA (France)
  • Ahmed Boubrima (INSA-Lyon, INRIA, Oct 2015-Mar 2019, defended)
    Topic: Deployment and scheduling of Wireless Sensor Networks for air pollution monitoring.
    70% co-supervision (with H. Rivano 30%)
      GDR RSD - ASF best thesis Award, 2020
      INSA-Lyon best thesis Award, 2020 ("Enjeu Information et Société Numérique")
      SIF - Gilles Kahn best thesis Accessit Award, 2019
  • Mohamed Anis Fekih (INSA-Lyon, Labex-IMU,Nov 2018-Feb 2022, defended)
    Topic: Low-cost Wireless Sensor Networks in participatory air quality monitoring.
    70% co-supervision (with H. Rivano 30%)
      INSA-Lyon best thesis Award, 2023 ("Enjeu Environnement")
  • Ichrak Mokhtari (INSA-Lyon, Nov 2019-June 2023, defended)
    Topic: Spatio-temporal data analysis for dynamic phenomenon monitoring using mobile sensors.
    70% co-supervision (with H. Rivano 30%)
  • Mohamed Sami Assenine (INSA-Lyon, Oct 2022-Oct 2025, ongoing)
    Topic: Reinforcement learning for mobility optimization in Wireless Sensor Networks.
    70% co-supervision (with H. Rivano 30%)
  • Anais Boumendil (INSA-Lyon, Nov 2022-Nov 2025, ongoing)
    Topic: Towards energy-efficient machine learning models for resource-constrained platforms.
    40% co-supervision (with P-E. Portier 20%, F. Le Mouël 20% and M. Egan 20%)
Engineer Supervisions at INSA-Lyon (France)
  • Alexandros Sidiras-Galante (INRIA, INSA-Lyon, Sept 2021-Feb 2024)
    Optimization of our air quality WSN platforms / Industrial valorization of our solutions
  • Manoel Dahan (INSA-Lyon, Labex IMU, 2018-2019 & 2020-2021)
    Design and development of autonomous low-cost WSN for air quality monitoring
Ph.D. Supervisions at Biskra Uinersity (Algeria)
  • Abdessamed Sassi (Biskra University, part-time, defended)
    Dec 2014-Mar 2022
    Topic: Towards Internet services based on users' mobility profiles.
    30% co-supervision (with A. Bachir)
  • Sami Abdellatif (Biskra University, part-time, defended)
    Jan 2017-Dec 2023
    Topic: Device to Device (D2D) communications in post-disaster situations.
    20% co-supervision (with A. Bachir and O. Tibermacine)
  • Asma Hamdi (Biskra University, part-time, ongoing)
    Jan 2017-Dec 2024
    Topic: Temperature-aware optimization of UAV operations and communications.
    30% co-supervision (with A. Bachir)
  • (Co)-supervision of eight Master/Engineer double degree internships (2014-2023)
    Topics include WSNs for air quality monitoring (deployment, scheduling, path planning, mobile crowdsensing), Spatio-temporal data analysis, energy-efficient neural networks for resource-constrained platforms, etc.
  • Supervision of several R&D projects (2014-2023)
    Five final year engineering projects (INSA-Lyon), two research projects (INSA-Lyon), six technical internships (IUT GEII Villeurbanne) and five introductory research projects.