Walid Bechkit
Walid Bechkit
Walid Bechkit
Walid Bechkit


Key research responsibilities (INRIA-Agora research team, CITI lab.)

  • Leader and coordinator of ANR DRON-MAP projet (ANR, 2021-2025, ~ 300 K€). Partners: CITI (Agora, Chroma), LMFA.
  • Leader and coordinator of 3M'Air projet (Labex IMU, 2018-2022, ~ 200 K€). Partners: CITI (Agora), LMFA, EVS, ATMO-Aura, Ville de Lyon, Météo France, Lyon Météo.
  • Leader and principal investigator of an industrial collaboration with a major french company (2018-2023)
  • Leader and principal investigator of a BQI (Bonus Qualité Innovation) project (INSA/INSA-Valor, 2019)
  • Leader and coordinator of UrPolSens projet (Labex IMU, 2015-2018, ~ 200 K€). Partners: CITI (Agora), LMFA, IFSTTAR-Paris, EVS, TUBA, ATMO-AUvergne Rhone Alpe
  • Leader and coordinator of Capt-PolAir projet (PEPS CNRS/Univ-Lyon, 2016, ~ 23 K€). Partners: CITI (Agora), LMFA, IFSTTAR, EVS, TUBA
  • Seminar manager of INRIA-CITI laboratory (2013-)
  • Nominated member in the FIL (Fédération Informatique de Lyon) Council (2018-2021) .

Key teahcing responsibilities (Telecommunication Department of INSA-Lyon)

  • Head of the Networking teaching group with the Telecommunication Department (INSA-Lyon, 2018- )
  • In charge of the admission service of the Telecommunication Department (INSA-Lyon, 2014-2019)
  • Elected member of the Telecommunication Department Council (INSA-Lyon, 2015-) .

In the past ( UTCompiègne, ESI-Alger )

  • Organizing committee member of the francophone symposium on engineering protocols CFIP 2011 (St Maxime, France, 2011)
  • Elected Ph.D. student representative in the Heudiasyc laboratory (2011-2012) and computer science department of UTC (2012).
  • Organizer of the Computer Science Night ( Nuit de l'info ), a national competition, at the Compiegne Univ. of Tech. (2010-2011).
  • General Chair of the first edition of the national conference for computer science students (JEESI09, Algiers, 2009)
  • Member of the steering team affecting new graduate students to the different universities, Algeria (Since 2008).